A Year Today
The Fall That Got Me, Shochi 2014
I suffered a concussion, that I was not aware of until that night. I did get back up after this fall and tried my darnedest to get through my contest runs, that were no where near as good as I was riding before this crash.
I was in bed for 3 months, unable to walk or hold a conversation. After that I started up my art.
click image for art video
I’m happy that I am feeling a lot better a year later, a lot of ups and downs, a lot of relearning, a lot of patience. Taking care of your body and brain is the most important thing you can do.
Love yourself first!
click image for article
Thankful that I’m doing better, and have hopes to get back to the competition scene when I’m 100%.
Not the best Olympics for me, but have learned a lot this past year recovering.
Thank you everyone for your support and help!